Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurences per tag.

Tag Total number of occurences
@todo 0

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurences found in the code: 0


Number of occurences found in the code: 8

net.sf.sail.common.beansupport.SailBeanContextChildSupport Line
why should we have to check this? 77
net.sf.sail.common.persistance.memory.MemorySock Line
this isn't really implemented 89
net.sf.sail.core.beans.InvalidPropertyException Line
maybe this should be a checked exception 29
net.sf.sail.core.beans.Pod Line
make a more reliable revision system 450
ignoring for now, since we're using curnit-level versioning setPodId(BinaryUtils.createNewPodUuidFromOld(getPodId())); 451
net.sf.sail.core.beans.SessionContext Line
TODO get rid of this hack 129
net.sf.sail.core.beans.assembly.PodVarDelegate Line
make this a checked exception 104
net.sf.sail.core.session.SessionFactory Line
this doesn't call curnit.initialize 55


Number of occurences found in the code: 50

net.sf.sail.common.apps.TestJWS Line
net.sf.sail.common.apps.preview.PreviewSailDataStoreService Line
Auto-generated catch block 75
Auto-generated catch block 83
Auto-generated method stub 97
net.sf.sail.common.apps.preview.PreviewSessionDataService Line
Auto-generated catch block 90
Auto-generated catch block 98
Auto-generated method stub 126
net.sf.sail.common.beansupport.DynamicObject Line
Auto-generated catch block 110
Auto-generated catch block 115
Auto-generated catch block 120
net.sf.sail.common.example.BasicExampleSessionListeningBean Line
why can this be empty? 52
Auto-generated catch block 75
net.sf.sail.common.example.RimExampleSessionListeningBean Line
Auto-generated catch block 89
Auto-generated catch block 110
Auto-generated catch block 119
why can this be empty? 176
net.sf.sail.common.messaging.multicast.MulticastReceiverThread Line
Auto-generated catch block 73
Auto-generated catch block 88
net.sf.sail.common.persistance.memory.MemoryAgent Line
check this against rules of the role 80
net.sf.sail.common.persistance.memory.MemoryPersistenceImpl Line
Auto-generated catch block 245
net.sf.sail.common.util.MockData Line
Auto-generated catch block 90
Auto-generated catch block 125
net.sf.sail.core.activity.model.NavNodeSupport Line
Auto-generated method stub 86
Auto-generated method stub 91
Auto-generated method stub 97
Auto-generated method stub 103
Auto-generated method stub 109
net.sf.sail.core.activity.model.NavTransitSupport Line
Auto-generated method stub 80
Auto-generated method stub 85
Auto-generated method stub 90
Auto-generated method stub 96
Auto-generated method stub 101
Auto-generated method stub 106
Auto-generated method stub 112
net.sf.sail.core.activity.model.ScriptBeanContext Line
Auto-generated method stub 165
net.sf.sail.core.beans.Pod Line
make this throw a checked exception for failed assignments 230
write delegate that persists this without exposing it 247
Auto-generated catch block 322
implement this properly with check against BeanContext facilities. a unit test even! 434
net.sf.sail.core.beans.assembly.PodRegistry Line
Auto-generated constructor stub 64
net.sf.sail.core.curnit.Curnit Line
Auto-generated catch block 146
Auto-generated method stub 208
net.sf.sail.core.curnit.CurnitFile Line
Auto-generated catch block 179
net.sf.sail.core.curnit.PodXMLEncoder Line
Auto-generated catch block 67
net.sf.sail.core.entity.AgentSet Line
make a checked exception for this 42
net.sf.sail.core.service.impl.SessionContextServiceImpl Line
Auto-generated method stub 45
net.sf.sail.core.service.impl.SessionLoadMonitor Line
Auto-generated method stub 118
net.sf.sail.core.util.BinaryUtils Line
think of way to avoid this hack 254
Auto-generated catch block 347