Interface Bundle

All Known Implementing Classes:
CurnitUrlProviderImpl, LauncherServiceImpl, PreviewSailDataStoreService, SessionContextServiceImpl, SessionLoadMonitor, SessionManagerImpl, UserServiceImpl

public interface Bundle

A Bundle provides services and has a lifecyle: - register the services that it provides - initialize the services One bundle might have multiple services When initialize() is called before registerServices, the behavior is undefined

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Method Summary
 void initializeBundle(ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Initializes the services that this bundle provides
 void registerServices(ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Allows bundle to provide all the services that it has This method has to be called before initializeBundle

Method Detail


void registerServices(ServiceContext serviceContext)
Allows bundle to provide all the services that it has This method has to be called before initializeBundle

serviceContext -


void initializeBundle(ServiceContext serviceContext)
Initializes the services that this bundle provides

serviceContext -

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