Package net.sf.sail.core.entity

Interface Summary
IAgent An Agent in SAIL is the entity to which a SockEntry (work record) is associated.
IAnnotation This interface is modeled after the EAnnotation class from EMF.
ISock<T> Subset of java.util.Collection plus a peek() from java.util.Stack
ISockEntry<T> The entries in a sock have dates in addition to the actual object of the entry.

Class Summary
AgentSet Extends HashSet to add some handy methods for Agents
Offering Context of a Curnit which provides information specific to this offering.
Rim<T> Identifies the shape and context of the data to be written by the IAgent into the ISock.
User A user in SAIL.

Exception Summary
RoleRuleException Roles define rules on the size and composition of an Agent.

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